How to Prepare Bank Reconciliation? A Step-by-Step Guide

It also missed two $25 fees for service charges and non-sufficient funds (NSF) checks during the month. But, you will record such transactions only in your business’ cash book only when you receive the bank statement. Until then, your balance as per the cash book would differ from the balance as per the passbook. Typically, the difference between the cash book and passbook balance arises due to the items that appear only in the passbook. Therefore, it makes sense to first record these items in the cash book to determine the adjusted balance of the cash book. An outstanding cheque refers to a cheque payment that has been recorded in the books of accounts of the issuing company.

Others use a paper checkbook, and balance it each month, to keep a record of any written checks and other transactions. You can also opt to use a simple notebook or spreadsheet for recording your transactions. Consider performing this monthly task shortly after your bank statement arrives so you can manage any errors or improper transactions as quickly as possible. Regardless of how you do it, reconciling your bank account can be a priceless tool in your personal finance arsenal. Keeping accurate records of your bank transactions can help you determine your financial health and avoid costly fees. Using this simple process each month will help you uncover any differences between your records and what shows up on your bank statement.

Your All-Encompassing Guide to Bank Reconciliations

While expensing out the missing amount is an option, it is not the recommended approach. That is because bank reconciliation is a crucial part of the internal control process of a business. Even minute discrepancies can be an indicator of other underlying problems.

  • Preparing bank reconciliation requires companies to follow a 5-step process.
  • As previously mentioned, errors can occur on both sides, the bank book or the bank statement.
  • Bank reconciliation statements ensure that payments were processed and cash collections were deposited into the bank.
  • To successfully complete your bank reconciliation, you’ll need your bank statements for the current and previous months as well as your company ledger.
  • That is because bank reconciliation is a crucial part of the internal control process of a business.
  • As mentioned above, debit balance as per the cash book refers to the deposits held in the bank.

You will know about such information only when you receive the bank statement at the end of the month. As a result, the bank debits the amount against such dishonored cheques or bills of exchange to your bank account. There are times when your business entity deposits a cheque or draws a bill of exchange discounted with the bank. However, such deposited cheques why do i need to fill out form w or discounted bills of exchange drawn by your business entity get dishonored on the date of maturity. The bank will debit your business account only when the bank pays these issued cheques. Below is a video explanation of the bank reconciliation concept and procedure, as well as an example to help you have a better grasp of the calculation of cash balance.

Real-time Cash Position:

As a result, the balance showcased in the bank passbook would be more than the balance shown in your company’s cash book. If you want to prepare a bank reconciliation statement using either of these approaches, you can take balance as per the cash book or balance as per the passbook as your starting point. Notice that the bank reconciliation form above still does not balance, even after including the outstanding checks. This means the bank has made an adjustment to your account that has not been recorded in your G/L.

Step 3 of 3

To safeguard this critical and tempting asset, a company should establish internal controls over its cash. Bank reconciliation accounting is performed by the accounts payable department. It’s a means of comparing bank statements against a company’s personal records to spot any discrepancies, mistakes, cash manipulations, or fraudulent charges.

Unrecorded differences

For example, you are handling a large scale business with transactions over 50 in a week. This is an important fact because it brings out the status of the bank reconciliation statement. The items therein should be compared to the new bank statement to check if these have since been cleared. Since these items are generally reported to the company before the bank statement date, they seldom appear on a reconciliation. Small business owners may find that sufficient funds from the previous month are not enough.

In these cases, journal entries record any adjustment to the book’s balance. After fee and interest adjustments are made, the book balance should equal the ending balance of the bank account. Once the adjusted balance of the cash book is worked out, then the bank reconciliation statement can be prepared. In this way, the number of items that cause the difference between the passbook and the cash book balance gets reduced.

However, the bank charges these amounts to its customers’ accounts directly. Since the company does not receive the bank statement until the end of the month, it cannot predict these charges or record them. Unrecorded differences are amounts that are present in the bank statement but not present in the bank book are known as unrecorded differences. A bank reconciliation statement can help you identify differences between your company’s bank and book balances.

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